The Bulletin


Where to find cash at crisis time

  • Written by News Company

Life is unpredictable, that’s a fact. And as a rule we all look to plan for the bad times so that when it all goes wrong at the same time we have resources and the ability to make plans to rescue the situation. But sometimes you find yourself in a position where, quite simply, you just need money that you haven’t got. And that is a very tough place to be in and it often feels very dark and lonely. But there are nearly always solutions. Sometimes you just have to take a moment to pause and clear your head and think calmly. Being calm is not going to magically make you rich, but it might help you see a way through the crisis. If ever you are in such a predicament where you need money desperately here are a few ideas for whipping up some funds.

Use the internet

Traditionally banks loaned you money, and you went in, explained the need to your bank manager and then agreed terms. In more modern times an online loan is the way to go. You can do it on your phone or from your PC at home and it is generally very simple and painless process, all you need to do is go to for example. And if you qualify your loan can be approved very quickly. You might be pleasantly surprised.

The old garage sale

When you start looking around your home you might be amazed at how much stuff you have. And that stuff is worth a lot of money if you can get it seen by the right people. Take time to do a little stock-take of all the things that you have accumulated on your life’s journey. Assess what is surplus to requirements, advertise a garage sale and start to rid your life of clutter while earning some money for it at the same time. It won’t necessarily make you fortunes, but every cent counts.


If you are only working one job, then start looking for a second. If money is tight and you are scrounging up any extra cash you can find, then look to get some evening work. It might be something like delivering pizza or driving for Uber or tending a bar somewhere, but look for an angle and work it. At the end of the day it is not the job that matters it is about the extra cash that you will earn and what that will allow you to do. You obviously need extra cash for a reason, so be resourceful in finding ways to make that happen.


Depending on the severity of the crisis, friends and family are important. If you want extra cash for a holiday they might not want to help, that is understandable, they have their own holidays to think of. But if you need cash for medical bills or something a little more drastic, then if you can’t turn to family and friends who can you turn to. And while they might not have the actual cash to help they have friends and social networks and a crowd-funded finance campaign needs friends to spread the word. So set it up and ask for their help – you might just be surprised at where it ends up.